About Me:

Shawnna Robinson MA, LMHC 61392347

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I view my purpose in the therapeutic relationship as one of joining with my clients as they determine their role in relationship with themselves, others and their world.  Internal and external experiences can cloud these relationships making it difficult to honor their individual voice in their own stories. By helping clients determine their foundational values and unique stories, a sense of empowerment, authenticity, and validation arises.  Peace can then filter into life and bring healing among areas previously causing clients uncertainty and pain.

My passion is working with adolescents, parents and adults who are seeking healing and hope within their relationships.  My experiences in these therapeutic relationships, both in individual or group sessions, have solidified my desire to continue supporting this population as they navigate relationships with themselves, peers and family. In addition to this, my personal experience has drawn me to support caregivers of this population.  Equipping and validating caregivers is a distinct honor and I am humbled each time I am invited into their lives and trusted with their stories. I have also enjoyed supporting individuals who have a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). My experience in this area has also allowed for me to provide therapeutic resources for family members of those diagnosed with BPD.

So, why psychology?   I became interested in attachment and its effect on the individual throughout life.  This, in turn, led to my desire to pursue a career in psychology as a therapist. I have a Masters of Counseling/Psychology from William Jessup University in Northern California. I have worked as an intensive outpatient mental health therapist at eating disorder clinics supporting adolescents, families and adults.  Prior to that I was a mental health therapist within a community mental health setting where I supported adults diagnosed with various mental health issues, including BPD.  I also provided therapy at our local school districts working with individual children, teens and their families.  Through all of these opportunities I facilitated many groups ranging from LGBTQ+, anxiety, depression, eating disorders and grief support. In addition to my career path, my personal experience has allowed me the chance to therapeutically support caregivers of individuals diagnosed with developmental disabilities. Overall, my career has been a journey that has allowed me to be present for so many individuals and families and witness, first hand, the power that connection has on a person’s ability to move forward and live to their fullest potential.

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